Standing Poses for Open Hips

In this article I will show you 8 different standing poses to open your hips.

1. Three Legged Dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)

How to:
  1. Start from Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  2. Lift your right leg up.
  3. Keep your hips square, both hip joints pointing to the floor. Do not open the right hip to the side.
  4. Place your right leg down.
  5. Repeat on the left side.

This pose stretches the hip flexor and Psoas of your extended leg and your glute. On the standing leg it stretches your hamstring and calve.

three legged dog

2. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

How to:
  1. Start from Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  2. Lift your right leg up.
  3. Bring your right knee to the front and place your foot in between your hands. Keep a 90° angle at the knee.
  4. Extend the arms up. Keep your chest open.
  5. Come back to Downward Facing Dog
  6. Repeat on left side

Very deep stretch of the side of the Psoas and the hip flexors of the extended leg. Opens your hip joints, chest and works the mobility of your shoulders.


3. Lizard (Utthan Pristhasana)

How to:
  1. Start from Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  2. Lift your right leg up.
  3. Bring your right knee to the outside of your right hand
  4. You can drop the right knee if you want. Use blocks under your hands for more length in the spine.
  5. Stay up with extended arms or come down to your elbows
  6. Repeat on left side

This pose works your overall hip mobility and flexibility by stretching your glutes, hamstrings and hip flexors. By pulling your chest to the front your spine is elongated. Releases low back discomfort and pain.

lizard pose

4. Goddess (Utkata Konasana)

How to:
  1. Stand tall and bring your legs to a wide stance pointing your feet out.
  2. Bend from your knees and come low. Keep your knees open to the sides and above your heels.
  3. Tuck your tailbone.
  4. Bring your hands in front of your heart

By having your knees in external rotation, this pose strengthens the legs and works hip mobility. It is a great inner thigh stretch.

goddess pose

5. Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana 2)

How to:
  1. Stand tall and bring your legs to a wide stance.
  2. Turn your right foot to the outside. Left foot pointing forward.
  3. Bend your right knee at 90° . Knee is above your heel.
  4. Extend your arms to the sides. Keep them in one line.
  5. Look forward to your right hand.
  6. Keep your whole body in one line just like if you are in the middle of two walls.
  7. Repeat on left side.

It opens your front hip because the knee is in external rotation. Stretches the inner thigh of your extended leg and opens your chest. It is more or less a full body strengthening posture, as the legs, core, back and arms are engaged.

warrior two

6. Standing Pigeon (Tada Kapotasana)

How to:
  1. Start from standing
  2. Transfer your weight on the left foot.
  3. Take the right foot off the ground and bend the knee.
  4. Sink the hips down by bending your left knee.
  5. Flex your right foot and place it on your left knee rotating the right knee externally.
  6. Repeat on left side.

External rotation of the right knee and hip joint. Outer hip stretch of the right thigh. Strengthening of both legs.

standing pigeon

7. Wide Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)

How to:
  1. Stand tall and bring your legs to a wide stance, toes pointing forward.
  2. Inhale, lift your hands up.
  3. Exhale, bend down from the hips.
  4. Keep your back straight.
  5. Place your hands on the ground or in between your feet. This is variation A, there are 3 more: B,C,D
  6. Inhale, slowly come up.

Hamstrings and Inner thigh stretch. Opens the chest.

prasarita padottanasana

8. Yogi Squat (Malasana)

How to:
  1. Stand tall with your feet a bit wider than hip distance
  2. Squat down
  3. Open your knees to the sides with the help of your elbows
  4. Stay on your heels or come to your feet depending on ankle flexibility
  5. Push your chest forward
  6. Keep the back straight and long

Opens the inner thighs, chest and elongates the spine.


If you want to practice some Seated poses for open hips instead of Standing poses which may not be available to everyone, take a look at my post Seated poses for open hips